Security Breach Alert

How do you know if your computing systems have been breached or not? 80% of computer system breaches go undetected for more than 6 months! Your computer network could be leaking private information right now without your knowledge or consent!

Most people resist change to some degree in their lives. While change can be bad, many times it can be good.

Sometimes change is absolutely painful, other times it becomes almost addictive.

One thing for sure, in the Cyber Security world, change is exponentially increasing. Has you Cyber Security Maturity changed?  Take this simple 15 second test:

Rate your attitude towards Cyber Security:

  1. Necessary Evil (not much if any part of a budget 1-5%)
  2. An important integrated part of doing business (5-10% of overall IT budget)
  3. Part of our culture and integrated into all business IT processes (20%+ of IT budget)
  4. None of the above, I don’t know, I don’t care, I’m retiring in a couple years.

If you picked None of the above, or Necessary Evil, it’s time to take a serious look at what is really happening in YOUR  IT Security World!  The fines for Negligence in an attack can be in the millions! Lack of planning equals big fines when it happens!  Just do a quick google search for “average security breach fine” and click the Ponemon link.

Quoting from the Ponemon Institute…

“Throughout the world, companies are finding that data breaches have become as common as a cold but far more expensive to treat. With the exception of Germany, companies had to spend more on their investigations, notification and response when their sensitive and confidential information was lost or stolen. As revealed in the 2014 Cost of Data Breach Study: Global Analysis, sponsored by IBM, the average cost to a company was $3.5 million in US dollars and 15 percent more than what it cost last year.”

Still think “retiring in a couple years” is a viable defense for not engaging security best practices?

Today, small businesses are BIG TARGETS for hackers.  The average Electronic Patient Health Information (EPHI) record brings $20 on the black market for a single client record!  If YOUR client database has 1000 records, that equals a $20K payday for a run of the mill average hacker.  Therein lies the motivation for breaching virtually ANY small business computer network. The attack can happen as easy as one staff member clicking on the wrong email link or attachment!

Just because it hasn’t happened, doesn’t mean you can ignore the overwhelming odds that it will eventually happen.  Can you really say to an auditor “we were prepared, here is the compliance report you asked for; our IT service provider called as soon as the attack began, and they are mitigating the attack as we speak”.

Give Action DataTel a call TODAY @ 541-494-2099 for a no obligation State of Security Maturity initial consultation.

We offer affordable, leading edge, best practices security solutions that help prevent, detect, contain and recover from network security attacks. Managing your Cyber Security for your peace of mind.

Security Risk Assessment, Compliance, and Managed IT Services from the leader – Action DataTel