A $1.6 Billion lesson

The cost of the required temporary shutdown…is predicted to reach somewhere around $1.6 BILLION before the year is over. It’s a harrowing remind that cyber-attacks can linger inconspicuously, waiting for the opportune moment to unleash its reign of terror. Cyber security is a must.

5 Steps To Take When Your Computer Has Been Hacked

When you suspect your computer has been hacked or your network breached, the human thing to do is panic. But what you do next dictates the difference between a small annoyance and a catastrophic event that brings business to a screeching halt and opens the door to legal and financial trouble.

Medford Medical Office Victim of Ransomware

Over the Memorial Day weekend, a Rogue Valley medical office was the victim of a ransomware attack. Patient records and images were compromised. Outside partners seemingly have not been affected or compromised. The substantial cyber […]

Stop These 5 Habits to Avoid A Ransomware Attack

Today, antivirus alone cannot and will not protect you. If you download a file that’s infected with a code specifically designed to circumvent your security protocols, you are essentially inviting that hack in with a door WIDE open. Regardless of whether you’re using a work computer, laptop, personal computer, phone or tablet, you that can lead to a ransomware attack. While you can’t stop ransomware on your own, you can practice safe habits to help avoid ransomware attacks.

Death by CHEAP IT

Being cheap with IT nearly crippled them. Southwest Airlines recently had a huge fiasco during their busiest season that resulted in 16,700 cancelled flights, which left people stranded all across the United states. The chaos […]

Your cyber security insurance may not cover this!

cyber security insurance policy

“I don’t need to do more smart things. I just need to do fewer dumb things.” Keith Cunningham made this correct observation in his book in his book “The Road Less Stupid.” Many smart business […]

FTC Announces BIG Changes for Business IT Security

What is the Safeguards rule? The cyber security Safeguards Rule was created for financial institutions to abide by to ensure protection of client data. However, recent amendments made by the FTC now broaden the definition […]